Re: New NMI handler / .commands
z is a dot command that lists detected drives and waits for a keypress, it must be copied into /bin folder. It use 64 columns mode because I use it from NMI.sys. It's usable from BASIC too. It's for testing purpouses only, it will not be in final release.
I will review the keyboard and joystick input functions again :'(
I will definitely use a single key to change the active unit. At the beginning, it will cicle available units with each press, and later it could be a menu I will use U (unit) key.
I probed NMI.sys on ZXSpin 0.7, ZEsarUX 5.0-5.1-6.0, FUSE 1.4.1 and a real 48+ and 128k speccy and drive assignment was ok in all cases I tested. I tested single partitioned and multiple partitioned SD cards/image files.
I also have in mind to develop some new commands like a hexadecimal / text viewer in 64 column format. The deltree command would be a good candidate, as well as a copy command between different units