.playrmov is from the ZX-UNO repository. Source is available there.
user: guest
password: zxuno
Directory /software/modo_radastan/videos_radastanianos
More dot commands I wrote for the original Spectrum and ZX-UNO:
.playzxm : (Spectrum 128K). Plays video (just video, not audio) using the standard Spectrum screen. It can play B&W and color videos. Needs 128K (two videorams). Source and examples included.
.dmaplayw : (ZX-UNO only). Plays an audio WAV file using Specdrum (for 8 bit sound output) and ZX-UNO DMA. WAV file needs to be encoded as 8 bit unsigned samples and 15625 Hz sampling frequency. Source and examples at:
.joyconf : (ZX-UNO only). Tests and configures joystick interface on ZX-UNO. This dot command is interesting because it is not written in ASM, but in C. Source at:
.keymap (ZX-UNO only). Small utility to load a keyboard map from a file into the ZX-UNO.
.loadpzx (ZX-UNO only). PZX loader for the ZX-UNO. Loads a PZX into memory (to be later played from the ZX-UNO itself) and directs execution to the LOAD routine. This command is interesting because it is written in C, and has some assembler bits to instruct ESXDOS to detach any .TAP file from input and perform a pure LOAD "" automatically.
.readspi and .writespi (ZX-UNO only): small utilities to make backup and restore copies of the SPI Flash inside ZX-UNO. Illustrate in a simple way how to open, read and write files in ESXDOS, and how to handle SPI Flash commands.
.zxunocfg (ZX-UNO only). Main configuration utility for ZX-UNO. Illustrates how to read parameterse for a dot command using assembler.