Topic: change to slave disk

I can´t find the way to change to another disk, for example de slave disk or hdb. Can anyone tell me how to do it.
Same for accesing de drives ABCD or units 0123 once the .trd  had been assigned to drivers.
Any help?.



2 (edited by Luzie 2017-12-02 20:24:59)

Re: change to slave disk

Hope you find your infos in the meantime?

Here you can find manuals:
http://www.benophetinternet.nl/hobby/va … manual.pdf
http://www.divide.cz/files/ESXDOS%20Sin … 20v0_2.pdf

Not all commands support more than one drive at the moment, look here:


Re: change to slave disk

rocasoft wrote:

I can´t find the way to change to another disk, for example de slave disk or hdb. Can anyone tell me how to do it.
Same for accesing de drives ABCD or units 0123 once the .trd  had been assigned to drivers.
Any help?.



Not via commandline, but you can change to other drives with "New NMI.SYS": http://board.esxdos.org/viewtopic.php?pid=550#p550