ub880d wrote:unfortunately, there is no enough of free memory for expanding nmi browser more...
i think file manager with more functions should be an application in zx memory (so it will have more space for code, buffers and variables). we just need someone to code it ;]
May I suggest something to add to NMI browser, maybe you could find some spare bytes for it:
Can you please think over adding a option "e" which just loads a program called e.tap or e.basic
So users just can start an "extension"-program from within NMI file browser without need to scroll to this file and press ENTER.
May this "Extension"-program something each user define for it´s own e.g. a future "esxDOS File Manager" or just something else.
If some more Bytes are available, there maybe up to ten user-defininable programs directly startable by pressing 0,1,2,3...9 and the programs have names like 0.tap, 1.tap etc.
Hope you like my idea and there are some bytes free for it...