Topic: Petite Un*x SHell
**push** is a very small, yet feature rich shell for embedded systems.
While it builds successfully for all target platforms, it is only really working well on Linux and C64 (and most recently on ZX-Spectrum). The main reason is lacking/broken support for some features from the C runtime libraries on some platforms, most important CONIO and heap management. Hopefully over time the toolchains will provide those APIs.
The Makefile in `./push/src` contains various targets for compiling and testing:
**make zx** (build zx spectrum tap)
**make zx64** (build zx spectrum tap with 64 columns)
**make zxn** (build spectrum next tap)
**make zxemu** (start tap in zesarux)
**make zx64emu** (start 64 columns tap in zesarux)