Topic: HOWTO right exiting .DOT commands which are started with parameters?
sorry, but I´m new into programming Z80 and esxDOS, so this is a Newbie question.
I struggle about exiting a selfprogrammed .DOT-command which started with parameters.
Starting the .DOT-command without any parameters runs it OK with 0 OK, 0:1
But when running passing a parameter, it shows me this on esxDOS 0.8.6: !q, 0:1
or on esxDOS 0.8.7: M, 0:1
or similar strings.
I find something about howto right exiting a .DOT-command. But it´s too complicated for me as beginner to understand.
Can someone please give me a source-piece to add to my .dot-command to exit it right with 0 OK, 0:1
I´m on esxDOS 0.8.7 or esxDOS 0.8.6 under DivIDE-Emulation (SpecEmu).
Or should try to use Z88DK as "Assembler only" as I find it hard for me to get into programming C. And Z88DK´s .DOT-command compiling options may fix me problems?