Topic: K.oS'o5

Hi, please who is K.oS'o5. This name is appears in help menu. Is it co-author of esxdos? Thanks. I would like to use this logo in MB03+ firmware. Is it possible?

2 (edited by Luzie 2019-08-16 14:05:13)

Re: K.oS'o5

LMN128 wrote:

Hi, please who is K.oS'o5. This name is appears in help menu. Is it co-author of esxdos? Thanks. I would like to use this logo in MB03+ firmware. Is it possible?

As found on:
https://spectrumforeveryone.com/2017/04 … mmc-enjoy/
Miguel continues to tell:
“Laesq, me and K-Os were part of Raww Arse group. As we were kinda doing our own things at the time, we created Papaya Dezign (as a sub-divison of RA) to release the stuff that we did alone.
K-Os is our graphic artist.

Also I found this:

And a list of things done by K-0s - k-os (is he from UK as told on the page?):


Re: K.oS'o5

Thanks a lot to all. I got the permission from K-0s thru Miguel.
There is a result:
https://www.facebook.com/mb02plus/photo … mp;theater