Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Luzie wrote:

I personally prefer: If a autoboot-file is on the disk, then start this. If not, then start TR-DN.

Suggestion: Control this setting via \sys\CONFIG\TRDOS.CFG File, which steers these settings on esxDOS 0.86B4:

Luzie, at the moment there is not enough space to implement a function that reads that parameter from the file, it is more feasible to use different keys to open the navigator or do autoboot. I'm working on it.


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Luzie wrote:

Could you please think over displaying "Key not programmable/Already assigned" on key-redefine-dialog for those keys from A-Z which are already used from NMI-handler itself? (Just for those users who don´t read manuals/help-dialogs ;-))

I'm redesigning the configuration section, I'll keep this in mind.

78 (edited by david_ps 2017-09-27 18:38:36)

Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Ummm, Licence to Kill? big_smile https://www.dropbox.com/s/guv6z629b8vt8vn/v007.zip?dl=0
missing delete key reported by Luzie
problem with some TRDs reported by Luzie

79 (edited by velesoft 2017-09-27 18:38:00)

Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Luzie wrote:

I know - the main problem with .TRD is: If the disk is empty it also takes 640k size and .SCL will only take size of used sectors.

Official size of TRD image is 640kB, but you can use cutted TRD files (only with used sectors) with similar size as SCL or TAP. TRDCUT utility.... Exist more versions.

In ESXDOS is possible use TRD images with size from some kB to 1024kB.

https://www.worldofspectrum.org/forums/ … ion/47055/

80 (edited by velesoft 2017-09-27 19:32:35)

Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Mouse driver for NMI BROWSER is done. Current length of code is 182 bytes. Show mouse cursor as one attribute (8x8 pixels) and sign line with filename. In future may be implement...


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

david_ps wrote:

Ummm, Licence to Kill? big_smile https://www.dropbox.com/s/guv6z629b8vt8vn/v007.zip?dl=0
missing delete key reported by Luzie
problem with some TRDs reported by Luzie

Thanks very much! Looking good! On fast test I discovered only one thing, which must not be corrected I think: When I press V on a <DIR> esxDOS Error 16 is viewed. It´s not real problem, but I want to know what this Error 16 means?

82 (edited by david_ps 2017-09-28 11:06:47)

Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Luzie wrote:

Thanks very much! Looking good! On fast test I discovered only one thing, which must not be corrected I think: When I press V on a <DIR> esxDOS Error 16 is viewed. It´s not real problem, but I want to know what this Error 16 means?

Error 16 is "Is a DIRECTORY". That happens when trying to open a directory with an API function thought for files. It's neccesary to check that the selection is not a directory. Corrected on next version wink

83 (edited by david_ps 2017-09-29 14:34:06)

Re: New NMI handler / .commands

velesoft wrote:

Mouse driver for NMI BROWSER is done. Current length of code is 182 bytes. Show mouse cursor as one attribute (8x8 pixels) and sign line with filename. In future may be implement...

Velesoft, I'm arranging and commenting source code, when I finish it, I will send you a copy for integrate it.


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

New version: v008 https://www.dropbox.com/s/m8rwkixdiqvg4m3/v008.zip?dl=0
*Works on v0.8.5 and v0.8.6
*SS + ENTER attach TRD to drive A and opens TRD-DOS navigator wink Velesoft
*SS + F set fast-ramp wink Luzie
*H new help screens
*Now, NMI overlays has no extension (to reduce NMI space)
*NMI navigator can handle 1826 dir entries cool
*NMI navigator show esxDOS version and available divXXX RAM cool

85 (edited by Spezzi63 2017-10-03 11:14:05)

Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Just genius cool
Although the trdos-navigator is stuck at my iceclimber.trd
but the image can cause problems
http://www.worldofspectrum.org/infoseek … id=0012873
I'll test more tomorrow.

86 (edited by Luzie 2017-10-03 16:51:29)

Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Spezzi63 wrote:

Just genius cool
Although the trdos-navigator is stuck at my iceclimber.trd
but the image can cause problems
http://www.worldofspectrum.org/infoseek … id=0012873
I'll test more tomorrow.

I testet with: SpecEmu, Spectrum 128k or +2, divIDE, 32 MB esxDOS 0.8.6B4 .HDF-File, Kempston Joystick enabled and NMI-browser v008 shows: "UNLOCKED 128k / v0.8.6-DivIDE 32k". I start iceclimber.trd just by pressing ENTER or Start Iceclimber via SS+ENTER via TRDN. All works OK for me.

So I have no problem with iceclimber.trd from WOS. Does it show you an error?

87 (edited by Spezzi63 2017-10-03 15:28:30)

Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Select the ICE_CLIM.TRD in the NMI BROWSER and press CTRL+Enter in the FUSE emulator.
TR-DOS Navigator appears and is frozen.

I have recognized my mistake.
48k mode was not activated...

Once I had made it.
Not any longer sad
I had made new image.

FUSE 1.4.0 - ESXDOS86b4
Could confirm it again
Select the ICE_CLIM.TRD in the NMI BROWSER and press CTRL+Enter in the FUSE emulator.
TR-DOS Navigator appears and is frozen.
In the TR-DOS Navigator, trigger NMI.
In the NMI BROWSER Reset(R).
The Start screen of Spectrum 128 +2A (Non ESXDOS BOOT) appears.
Select 48k Basic Mode.
ESXDOS still active !?
Select the ICE_CLIM.TRD in the NMI BROWSER and press CTRL+Enter.
TR-DOS Navigator appears and is working wink

I have now examined it several times, but I do not recognize the cause.

With FUSE 1.3.6 the same result!
With Spectrum 128 as emulation, the TR-DOS Navigator works immediately wink
So an incompatibility of  ESXDOS86b4 with the FUSE Spectrum 128 +2A !!

Test with ESXDOS 085 and +2A (and unfortunately also with ESXDOS 085 and Spectrum 128):
at CTRL+Enter with the TRD file: Border red, Paper 0, the number 12151 is displayed.
With NMI can rescue.
That was it !

88 (edited by Luzie 2017-10-03 17:25:42)

Re: New NMI handler / .commands

david_ps wrote:

New version: v008 https://www.dropbox.com/s/m8rwkixdiqvg4m3/v008.zip?dl=0
*Works on v0.8.5 and v0.8.6
*SS + ENTER attach TRD to drive A and opens TRD-DOS navigator wink Velesoft
*SS + F set fast-ramp wink Luzie
*H new help screens
*Now, NMI overlays has no extension (to reduce NMI space)
*NMI navigator can handle 1826 dir entries cool
*NMI navigator show esxDOS version and available divXXX RAM cool

I like it! Including the new Help-Screens with the Dr Slump Logo and mentions of the testers from esxDOS BBS ;-)
I tried Fast-Start ramp, and can set a file with SS+ENTER, but cannot load it, even if the right path is saved to fastmenu.txt (I tried with: /GAMES/COBRA.TAP)
... Update: Oh I see: Fast-Ramp only working with Snaps (.SNA and .Z80) and not .TRD nor .TAP :-)


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Luzie wrote:

I like it! Including the new Help-Screens with the Dr Slump Logo and mentions of the testers from esxDOS BBS ;-)
I tried Fast-Start ramp, and can set a file with SS+ENTER, but cannot load it, even if the right path is saved to fastmenu.txt (I tried with: /GAMES/COBRA.TAP)
... Update: Oh I see: Fast-Ramp only working with Snaps (.SNA and .Z80) and not .TRD nor .TAP :-)

Fast-ramp only works with SNA or Z80. It's easy modify it to support TRD or TAP, perhaps for the next version? wink


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Error detected on poke function: when prompt for APPLY (Y/N), Y exit without poke, any another key applies it. Corrected on next version

91 (edited by Luzie 2017-10-04 15:24:31)

Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Spezzi63 wrote:

Select the ICE_CLIM.TRD in the NMI BROWSER and press CTRL+Enter in the FUSE emulator.
TR-DOS Navigator appears and is frozen.

I have recognized my mistake.
48k mode was not activated...

Once I had made it.
Not any longer sad
I had made new image.

FUSE 1.4.0 - ESXDOS86b4
Could confirm it again
Select the ICE_CLIM.TRD in the NMI BROWSER and press CTRL+Enter in the FUSE emulator.
TR-DOS Navigator appears and is frozen.
In the TR-DOS Navigator, trigger NMI.
In the NMI BROWSER Reset(R).
The Start screen of Spectrum 128 +2A (Non ESXDOS BOOT) appears.
Select 48k Basic Mode.
ESXDOS still active !?
Select the ICE_CLIM.TRD in the NMI BROWSER and press CTRL+Enter.
TR-DOS Navigator appears and is working wink

I have now examined it several times, but I do not recognize the cause.

With FUSE 1.3.6 the same result!
With Spectrum 128 as emulation, the TR-DOS Navigator works immediately wink
So an incompatibility of  ESXDOS86b4 with the FUSE Spectrum 128 +2A !!

Test with ESXDOS 085 and +2A (and unfortunately also with ESXDOS 085 and Spectrum 128):
at CTRL+Enter with the TRD file: Border red, Paper 0, the number 12151 is displayed.
With NMI can rescue.
That was it !

I tested with ZEsarUX v5.1, divMMC and esxDOS 0.85, same here by me:
Loaded TRD with ENTER works (in 48k or in 128k (Toastrack) Mode)
Loaded with SS+ENTER: Border red, Paper 0, the number 12151 is displayed.
I don´t see this as problem as long as boot/loading with ENTER works.

NMI browser v008 shows: "UNLOCKED 128k / v0.8.5-DivMMC 128k" or "48k / v0.8.5-DivMMC 128k"

I have to try it on real hardware :-)


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Luzie wrote:

I tested with ZEsarUX v5.1, divMMC and esxDOS 0.85, same here by me:
Loaded TRD with ENTER works (in 48k or in 128k (Toastrack) Mode)
Loaded with SS+ENTER: Border red, Paper 0, the number 12151 is displayed.
I don´t see this as problem as long as boot/loading with ENTER works.

NMI browser v008 shows: "UNLOCKED 128k / v0.8.5-DivMMC 128k" or "48k / v0.8.5-DivMMC 128k"

I have to try it on real hardware :-)

I try with v0.8.6 and there are no problem. It seems to be a problem of TR-DOS Navigator with v0.8.5. I need to analize it deeply


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

david_ps wrote:

Error detected on poke function: when prompt for APPLY (Y/N), Y exit without poke, any another key applies it. Corrected on next version

And is your POKE usable also in memory area 16384-23551 ?
My idea: if address is < 23552 then you must refresh original screen area, then apply poke, save(backup) screen to SD card(divmmc memory) and return back to your POKE...


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

velesoft wrote:

And is your POKE usable also in memory area 16384-23551 ?
My idea: if address is < 23552 then you must refresh original screen area, then apply poke, save(backup) screen to SD card(divmmc memory) and return back to your POKE...

If I remember right, I´ve tested POKE to 16384 with NMI-Handler pre-V008 and this works.


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

May I suggest / wish an extension to F Fast-Ramp loader?

If NMI\fastmenu.txt contains more than one line, e.g.:


can F please display a Fast-Ramp-Load-Menu with:
1 /juegos/hoh/hoh1.sna
2 /games/horace.z80
3 /tap/monitor.tap

which load those files depending on keypress 1, 2 or 3?

96 (edited by david_ps 2017-10-05 14:10:30)

Re: New NMI handler / .commands

velesoft wrote:

And is your POKE usable also in memory area 16384-23551 ?
My idea: if address is < 23552 then you must refresh original screen area, then apply poke, save(backup) screen to SD card(divmmc memory) and return back to your POKE...

Yes, it's usable. I only use for NMI navigator $0e00 bytes from $2f00.

Correction: Upsss!, 16384 to 23295 it's not usable, but 23296 to 23551 yes.


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Luzie wrote:

May I suggest / wish an extension to F Fast-Ramp loader?

If NMI\fastmenu.txt contains more than one line, e.g.:


can F please display a Fast-Ramp-Load-Menu with:
1 /juegos/hoh/hoh1.sna
2 /games/horace.z80
3 /tap/monitor.tap

which load those files depending on keypress 1, 2 or 3?

Luzie, there is no space for this, text strings are a problem, even more if I have to read them from a file and display them on the screen. In the space that occupy two lines of menu I can put all the necessary code so that the fastramp can open SNA, Z80, TAP, BAS and TRD.

98 (edited by Luzie 2017-10-05 16:32:27)

Re: New NMI handler / .commands

david_ps wrote:

Luzie, there is no space for this, text strings are a problem, even more if I have to read them from a file and display them on the screen. In the space that occupy two lines of menu I can put all the necessary code so that the fastramp can open SNA, Z80, TAP, BAS and TRD.

OK. Thanks! It´s often mostly a matter of size ;-) ... I mean RAM-size ;-)

I think I can load one .TAP or BASIC-File with F / Fast start-ramp, then I can build myself a BASIC-menu for loading more over this secondary menu :-)

99 (edited by david_ps 2017-10-06 10:20:44)

Re: New NMI handler / .commands

I'm working on a new version that uses the extra memory of the modern divIDE / divMMC. For now I put a link to the version v009 where I correct the following errors:
* Poke, now Y applies it, another key discard it.
* Poke, now, all 48k RAM is pokeable. Thanks to Velesoft.
* Fastramp can load SNA, Z80, TAP, BAS and TRD files.



Re: New NMI handler / .commands

david_ps wrote:

I try with v0.8.6 and there are no problem. It seems to be a problem of TR-DOS Navigator with v0.8.5. I need to analize it deeply

There are two notes about TRDN-things fixed with esxDOS v0.8.6. listed in Changelog of 0.8.6 here: http://board.esxdos.org/viewtopic.php?pid=15#p15