Select the ICE_CLIM.TRD in the NMI BROWSER and press CTRL+Enter in the FUSE emulator.
TR-DOS Navigator appears and is frozen.
I have recognized my mistake.
48k mode was not activated...
Once I had made it.
Not any longer 
I had made new image.
FUSE 1.4.0 - ESXDOS86b4
Could confirm it again
Select the ICE_CLIM.TRD in the NMI BROWSER and press CTRL+Enter in the FUSE emulator.
TR-DOS Navigator appears and is frozen.
In the TR-DOS Navigator, trigger NMI.
In the NMI BROWSER Reset(R).
The Start screen of Spectrum 128 +2A (Non ESXDOS BOOT) appears.
Select 48k Basic Mode.
ESXDOS still active !?
Select the ICE_CLIM.TRD in the NMI BROWSER and press CTRL+Enter.
TR-DOS Navigator appears and is working 
I have now examined it several times, but I do not recognize the cause.
With FUSE 1.3.6 the same result!
With Spectrum 128 as emulation, the TR-DOS Navigator works immediately 
So an incompatibility of ESXDOS86b4 with the FUSE Spectrum 128 +2A !!
Test with ESXDOS 085 and +2A (and unfortunately also with ESXDOS 085 and Spectrum 128):
at CTRL+Enter with the TRD file: Border red, Paper 0, the number 12151 is displayed.
With NMI can rescue.
That was it !