301 (edited by XoRRoX 2019-06-28 04:34:21)

Re: New NMI handler / .commands

bracula80 wrote:

Hello! Can someone pass me the modified version of the NMI driver so that it works in esxdos 0.8.7?

I am not able to do it with a hexadecimal editor sad

Thank you

You can get it from the updated DerbyPro package here: https://zx.itch.io/derbypro

After every cold boot when you use the menu, an error appears but you can Enter past that.


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

XoRRoX wrote:
bracula80 wrote:

Hello! Can someone pass me the modified version of the NMI driver so that it works in esxdos 0.8.7?

I am not able to do it with a hexadecimal editor sad

Thank you

You can get it from the updated DerbyPro package here: https://zx.itch.io/derbypro

After every cold boot when you use the menu, an error appears but you can Enter past that.

So we have to wait for an updated new NMI.SYS-version to get the error on every cold boot going?

303 (edited by Spezzi63 2019-07-22 20:07:10)

Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Version check for esxDOS v0.8.7!
Here is a little update for the NMI navigator by david_ps.
Many Greetings,

replace the init file in \SYS\NMI\

Thank you very much to Dr. Slump wink


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

dakidski wrote:

Dr. Slump: Would it be possible to integrate this into your NMI Navigator Menu?



A fan.

Yes, it is possible, but I will take a while. I'm very busy.


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

jviegas wrote:

HI eveyone.

I've tried this new version of NMI and I have to say "Wonderfull work".

However I have a question, how can I sort the folder and file list by name?
It seems that it is sorted by date when the file was copied to SD card. I don't know for sure.
But I would like to have it sorted by name (first folder and then files) just like we have on windows explorer. Is there a option for this?

As a workaround if I know how the files are sorted I can always "play by the rules" and in the end have it as I wish.

Thanks in advance
Best regards

Hi, the files are not sorted, they are displayed as the esxDOS API returns them. There is not enough space to perform an arrangement.


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Spezzi63 wrote:

Version check for esxDOS v0.8.7!
Here is a little update for the NMI navigator by david_ps.
Many Greetings,

replace the init file in \SYS\NMI\

Thank you very much to Dr. Slump wink

You are welcome Günter

307 (edited by Luzie 2019-07-23 16:29:26)

Re: New NMI handler / .commands

jviegas wrote:

HI eveyone.

I've tried this new version of NMI and I have to say "Wonderfull work".

However I have a question, how can I sort the folder and file list by name?
It seems that it is sorted by date when the file was copied to SD card. I don't know for sure.
But I would like to have it sorted by name (first folder and then files) just like we have on windows explorer. Is there a option for this?

As a workaround if I know how the files are sorted I can always "play by the rules" and in the end have it as I wish.

Thanks in advance
Best regards

I remember, I read somewhere about a Freeware Windows Utility which copies Files depending on their Filename. E.g. copies files from a source-directory in alphabetical order onto e.g. an empty SD-Card. So copies "AGAME.SNA", than "BGAME.SNA" and so on. But damn... can´t remember the exact name of this Utility and can´t find it yet on internet anymore.

Update: Found it..., it´s called DriveSort and you can find it here: http://www.anerty.net/software/file/DriveSort/
"DriveSort sorts the directory tables of a volume formatted in FAT12, FAT16 or FAT32. This sort orders the files on the disk according to a customizable order."

I haven´t tested it yet.

Alternatively you can try this, which is intended to copy music files "in sorted order" onto MP3-Players. But you can set filter to "All Files" and so can copy all type of files with it: AmoK Playlist Copy:
from: http://www.amok.am/de/freeware/amok_playlist_copy/


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Dear david_ps,

are you willing to share your 64 chars/line mcode?



309 (edited by david_ps 2019-09-09 17:47:35)

Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Luzie wrote:

Dear david_ps,

are you willing to share your 64 chars/line mcode?



Yes Luzie, first let me extract it from the NMI browser source code, it is integrated into it

There it goes:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/m9xsxaib45dbd … S.zip?dl=0


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Dear david_ps,

thank you very much!



Re: New NMI handler / .commands

One thing which is yet needed to get last version v0.0.16 NMI handler working completely under esxDOS 0.8.7 is to copy old NMI.SYS (= \SYS\NMI.SYS) to filename: \sys\nmi\old087.sys to get loading of old NMI.SYS working (=via Key J) from within new NMI.SYS!

312 (edited by david_ps 2019-10-04 20:55:19)

Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Original esxdos087.zip published by lordcoxis include old versions of my dot commands. I collect last versions of it plus other utilities and configure a 0.8.7 system that use my NMI navigator. Is available at https://www.dropbox.com/s/28zmjs5505o13 … 7.zip?dl=0

Update release of NMI navigator, v.0.0.16:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/85lkaohu22bcz … 6.zip?dl=0

  • Updated \SYS\NMI\init to detect 0.8.7 esxDOS version

  • Added \SYS\NMI\old087.sys to able to load old NMI navigator for 0.8.7 esxDOS version

  • Added READ_NMI.txt

  • Added \BIN\ dot commands used by NMI navigator: DRIVES, HEXVIEW, MON, OWNROM and RM.

Packed release of custom module, v.0.0.16 (it is identical to the version v.0.0.15):
https://www.dropbox.com/s/obv9d99cqld92 … 6.zip?dl=0

Updated README (now READ_NMI.txt):
https://www.dropbox.com/s/fco7dkmkoeahp … I.txt?dl=0
Please read it! It contains an instruction manual and explains the operation of all the keys.


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

An EJECT TAP key will be a good update.


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

spawnerbr wrote:

An EJECT TAP key will be a good update.

information is there:

I hope this info is still up to date and I understand you correctly.

315 (edited by Luzie 2019-10-02 18:14:38)

Re: New NMI handler / .commands

spawnerbr wrote:

An EJECT TAP key will be a good update.

And it´s here in the README /READNMI.TXT for New NMI.SYS: http://forum.tlienhard.com/phpBB3/downl … hp?id=9039 from the above package ( http://board.esxdos.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1370#p1370 )

    I           TAP to tapein
    SS+I (AT)   Detach tapein

(more description in the above linked / downloadable READNMI.TXT-File).

316 (edited by Luzie 2019-12-27 18:26:35)

Re: New NMI handler / .commands

david_ps wrote:
Luzie wrote:

Dear david_ps,

are you willing to share your 64 chars/line mcode?



Yes Luzie, first let me extract it from the NMI browser source code, it is integrated into it

There it goes:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/m9xsxaib45dbd … S.zip?dl=0

Dear david_ps,

yesterday I´ve seen you updated this on 09/09/2019 including sample. I´ve tested it with including it into a simple Keyboard/Joystick-Testerprogram I´m in development and it works well. Thank you and Merry Christmas and a happy new Year!


Update: Here´s a screenshot of my KeyJoyTest-Program:


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Hi david_ps,

A few months ago McLeod_ideafix created an addon to listen to .mid files on the ZX-Uno fpga.

http://www.zxuno.com/forum/viewtopic.ph … amp;t=3043

Would it be possible for a future version of your NMI browser to launch the .playmid command for files with the .mid extension?

Thank you very much for your great work.


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Dear david_ps,

desubikado wrote:

Hi david_ps,

A few months ago McLeod_ideafix created an addon to listen to .mid files on the ZX-Uno fpga.

http://www.zxuno.com/forum/viewtopic.ph … amp;t=3043

Would it be possible for a future version of your NMI browser to launch the .playmid command for files with the .mid extension?

Thank you very much for your great work.

can the custom module be extended/used to start e.g. this .playmid with the file the cursor is on?
So pressing "m" for starting custom mobile can start .playmid together with path of .mid-File to play?


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Regarding running specific commands on specific files extensions, what about a more flexible config file system with a text file containing the extension + command to execute, something in the form of:

pt3 playpt3
stc playstc
tfm playtfm

When ENter is pressed, the extension is read, checked if it's internally supported by the browser. If not, then the text file is parsed and, if found, the appropriate command executed with the file under the cursor as a parameter.

This way one can add support when new commands for other formats are released.

I don't know if it's possible for the browser to call the command and, when the command has finished processing or is cancelled, continue where it left off, or if it's needed to exit the browser and give control to the command.


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

XoRRoX wrote:

Regarding running specific commands on specific files extensions, what about a more flexible config file system with a text file containing the extension + command to execute, something in the form of:

pt3 playpt3
stc playstc
tfm playtfm

When ENter is pressed, the extension is read, checked if it's internally supported by the browser. If not, then the text file is parsed and, if found, the appropriate command executed with the file under the cursor as a parameter.

This way one can add support when new commands for other formats are released.

I don't know if it's possible for the browser to call the command and, when the command has finished processing or is cancelled, continue where it left off, or if it's needed to exit the browser and give control to the command.

Hello XoRRoX, the space available to implement an NMI handler routine (like my navigator) it's very, very small. There's no room to implement a more flexible config file. I am working on a more advanced system that allows some kind of process management based on NMI, but it is still in alpha phase. The navigator will be more powerful because it will really be a program running in standard mode and not an NMI routine.


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Hi david_ps. Thanks for replying and taking my suggestion into consideration.
Also glad to hear you're busy developing a more advanced system and looking forward to it. If you need beta-testers, I'll be more than happy to help.

Thanks for all your work smile


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

desubikado wrote:

Hi david_ps,

A few months ago McLeod_ideafix created an addon to listen to .mid files on the ZX-Uno fpga.

http://www.zxuno.com/forum/viewtopic.ph … amp;t=3043

Would it be possible for a future version of your NMI browser to launch the .playmid command for files with the .mid extension?

Thank you very much for your great work.

The new system will be much more powerful and will allow to define this in a configuration file.


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Luzie wrote:

Dear david_ps,

desubikado wrote:


can the custom module be extended/used to start e.g. this .playmid with the file the cursor is on?
So pressing "m" for starting custom mobile can start .playmid together with path of .mid-File to play?

The custom module allows many things, including what desubikado says, but I prefer to work on a new, more powerful and flexible version.

324 (edited by Luzie 2020-05-16 08:26:34)

Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Luzie wrote:

I´ve tested v0.0.13 ... with J I could load "load NMI.SYS"

"SOLVED"... see post below...

Dear david_ps,

is there any space left in your "New NMI handler" for adding Hotkey/Function to start another NMI.SYS / NMI-handler?
Because there´s a new one which supports showing LFN-names, and this is now released as .dot-version and NMI.SYS-Version:
https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/forums/ … 604#p36604

My idea/wish is to use Dr. Slump NMI navigator/New NMI handler as standard for esxDOS/NMI-button. And from this I can load Old NMI.SYS with hotkey J or load LFN-capable NMI.SYS by another Hotkey.

325 (edited by Luzie 2020-05-24 15:54:00)

Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Luzie wrote:

Dear david_ps,

is there any space left in your "New NMI handler" for adding Hotkey/Function to start another NMI.SYS / NMI-handler?

Can be done with copying the "New File Browser for ZX-UNO"
/sys/nmi.sys to /sys/nmi/old087.sys
as described on: https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/forums/ … 834#p36834
So "New File Browser for ZX-UNO" can be started by Hotkey J from within "Dr. Slumps NMI Navigator"

and with copying the original
/sys/nmi/old087.sys to /sys/nmi.org
BEFORE the above copying
the original NMI.SYS can be loaded via "Shift + N" from within "New File Browser for ZX-UNO" (only on NMI.SYS-Version, not on .browse-DOT-command-Version!)