Topic: .dzx7 command for standard 48k/128k Speccy?

A decommpresor for the ZX7: https://www.worldofspectrum.org/infosee … id=0027996

Does exist only a SpecNEXT version of this DOT-command?


Re: .dzx7 command for standard 48k/128k Speccy?

SCjoe wrote:

A decommpresor for the ZX7: https://www.worldofspectrum.org/infosee … id=0027996

Does exist only a SpecNEXT version of this DOT-command?

Yes, so it seems, as it can NOT be found here: https://github.com/z88dk/z88dk/tree/mas … T/EXAMPLES


Re: .dzx7 command for standard 48k/128k Speccy?

The source code is at the spectrum next repo:

https://gitlab.com/thesmog358/tbblue/-/ … ds/dzx7/48

This can be compiled for regular zx machines after removing the zx next specific things like cpu speed bump and using +zx (to target the spectrum) instead of +zxn (to target the zx next) in the compile line if anyone is interested enough to try that.  I will port a number of these dot commands to original spectrums but it may take some time yet.

The decompression requires a 32K buffer.  On the next this is allocated from the operating system but on the original spectrum this must come from main ram.  So ramtop must be set below 32768 (CLEAR 32767) before running.  The dot command will perform a ramtop check to make sure that is the case.