Topic: Moving USR 0 saves to emulator
Hi, I have been typing in some programs from a magazine recently. The magazine is from the year 1984, and the programs were keyed in on a ZX Spectrum +2B in 48k mode without the DivMMC connected to the Spectrum.
I then connected the DivMMC and loaded the physical audio tape into the datacorder in USR 0 mode, after which I used SAVE * "FOLDERNAME/FILENAME".
When I load up the emulator I see the programs in the correct folder, but they have no extension and they won't load. The emulators I have tried are Speccy 2.2 and the standalone emulator supplied with 'Sinclair Spectrum Allstars'.
Am I right in thinking that I need to specify an extension during saving to SD card from BASIC and, if so - which extension(s) do I need to use?
P.S. Snapshots are working on both the +2B and the Emulator with no problems.
P.P.S The wiggling chin animation in the "We Are Alive" demo is awesome!