1 (edited by Luzie 2022-01-27 16:59:39)

Topic: SOLVED: Request for .ls command without CLS after keypress

May I request a change to the .ls command?

After listing a catalog with .ls and press of a key the screen get completely cleared.

If a file with a complicated filename e.g. WC4H2QX.TXT is listed we need to remember complete filename in our brain to type a following command like .ERASE WC4H2QX.TXT

Could the CLS from .ls please removed?


Re: SOLVED: Request for .ls command without CLS after keypress

From: https://www.specnext.com/forum/viewtopi … 413#p13412

Re: Request for .ls command without CLS after keypress

Postby Alcoholics Anonymous » Thu Jan 27, 2022 4:57 am

.ls does not clear the screen -- it is basic that is doing that. You might want to try from "Command Line" mode instead of NextBasic. The main difference is that the basic interpreter does not clear the main screen.

3 (edited by Luzie 2022-01-27 16:59:26)

Re: SOLVED: Request for .ls command without CLS after keypress

And my reply: (Solution for this under NextBasic on SpecNext):

Thank you. Seems I mixed something up. The solution was really to use it in "Command Line". Great!