Topic: Saving BASIC program resets the ZX Spectrum
I am using a board "DivMMC EnJOY! PRO MINI lite" on a 48K ZXSpectrum+. With it I have two more devices connected. In the direction from the edge connecter outward I have : ZX-HD from bytedelight, ZX-AY from byte delight, and the DivMMC last.
I am entering basic code on the machine. Regularly I save the program to a .TAP file by doing :
.tapeout prgname.tap
SAVE "hd0"
And then keep on entering code and saving.
After some saves, when I do the .tapeout, the machine reboots, and the memory cleared (like if I did a NEW on it).
I have to disconnect the power to the ZX Spectrum to get it going again.
Seems to me this is a bug. I am on firmware version 0.8.7.
Is there any way I can go around this, or should I upgrade the firmware ?
Thanks for any help.