Topic: .cp file to hd1 - search the correct command


Excuse the question, but I come to no solution.
Maybe someone can help me with the correct command.

I would like to be an example,
Copy the file SETO-ES.TAP from the directory games from hd0 into the root of hd1

Bye for now,

2 (edited by Luzie 2017-06-16 22:28:06)

Re: .cp file to hd1 - search the correct command

Dear Günter,

on latest "esxDOS One heet Manual v0.2" from author " Jez Harrison "
(found on: http://zxdisorder.blogspot.de/2012/07/e … l-v02.html
Download-Link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/50121782/ESXDOS … 20v0_2.pdf )

it is written for the .DOT-"System Commands":
"All commands support a <drive> parameter, which can be "*" for current drive or you can specify another one (ie hd1),
drives are named according to their type and partition number,
you can see a list of drive names when ESXDOS runs it's initial BIOS drive detection.".

I think this is wrong. All syntax-combinations I´ve tried with .-Commands don´t seem to support drive-names.
Only BASIC commands like CAT seem to support drive-names like CAT hd1

I tried to contact author Jez Harrison yesterday via GOOGLE+ but has no answer yet, and it seems author has updates his webseite last time in December 2012.

Maybe someone could disassemble the .cp command to find out if it should support driveletters, but disassembly is always time-consuming job even for someone who knows about mcode.

This info ist from Readme of esxDOS 0.80:
7. BASIC commands
ESXDOS extends some BASIC commands functionality. Please note the following:
- All commands support a <drive> parameter, which can be "*" for current drive or you can specify another one (ie hd1).

-> Seems only to be true for BASIC-Commands and NOT for .DOT-commands!

3 (edited by Spezzi63 2017-09-29 17:41:20)

Re: .cp file to hd1 - search the correct command

Luzie wrote:

This info ist from Readme of esxDOS 0.80:
7. BASIC commands
ESXDOS extends some BASIC commands functionality. Please note the following:
- All commands support a <drive> parameter, which can be "*" for current drive or you can specify another one (ie hd1).

-> Seems only to be true for BASIC-Commands and NOT for .DOT-commands!

Unfortunately, I helps very little sad
but nevertheless, many thanks for the effort.
Bye for now,

4 (edited by Luzie 2017-09-29 19:33:06)

Re: .cp file to hd1 - search the correct command

Hi Günter,

did you try to use BASIC COPY command instead of .CP DOT-Command?

Please see COPY description on: +3 Manual at: http://www.worldofspectrum.org/ZXSpectr … 8pt20.html

But I don´t know, if this helps? ...

Update: No sorry, this seems not to help. Only BASIC command CAT and ERASE seems to support hd0"filename" ...