Re: Almost (In-) Complete List of esxDOS DOT-Commands

Please add info about .DFWLOAD. It is used to upload other firmware to the so-called "mapram". Mapram is suitable e.g. for testing firmware without the need to re-flash divide/divmmc.

.TSPLAY is missing. Any info about it? Who is the author of this command?

27 (edited by Luzie 2021-01-11 18:19:22)

Re: Almost (In-) Complete List of esxDOS DOT-Commands

SCjoe wrote:

Please add info about .DFWLOAD. It is used to upload other firmware to the so-called "mapram". Mapram is suitable e.g. for testing firmware without the need to re-flash divide/divmmc.

Thank you! Added this to list. Will publish new list version soon.

SCjoe wrote:

.TSPLAY is missing. Any info about it? Who is the author of this command?

Found the following text in binary executable: "Vortex Tracker II 1.0 moduleUniPT2/PT3/TS-Player"
Successfully tried playing this Turbo Sound file from:
https://zxart.ee/eng/authors/m/mmcm/spr … izzy-game/
Direct .TS-File-Download-Link:
https://zxart.ee/file/id:85719/filename … 2013%29.ts

28 (edited by Luzie 2021-01-11 21:25:47)

Re: Almost (In-) Complete List of esxDOS DOT-Commands

New Version V017 of list is out ( same Access-URL: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ … s=599361c7 )

V017 2021-01-11: Added info about .dfwload. Added .kzx, .tsplay and .checkerb commands.


Re: Almost (In-) Complete List of esxDOS DOT-Commands

New Version V018 of list is out ( same Access-URL: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ … s=599361c7 )

V018 2021-01-16: Added Usage example for .zxunocfg. Added .browse v1.2 from Garry Lancaster (for SpecNext), .browse from bob_fossil/"New File Browser for ZX-UNO"-Package v0.13 and .playay v0.03 by bob_fossil


Re: Almost (In-) Complete List of esxDOS DOT-Commands


Some commands with similar names have different authors and code, e.g. STRINGS or DATE.
DATE cmd in 0.8.8 is made by ub880d and has nothing to do with Trucco's one.
Its origin is here: http://oldcomp.cz/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=7798#p98622
The same with the CAL cmd: http://oldcomp.cz/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=7798#p98678

Many commands for zx-uno and specnext are hardware dependent and unusable on a normal Speccy.
That could be a reason for splitting this list into separate papers?

31 (edited by Luzie 2021-01-20 18:48:54)

Re: Almost (In-) Complete List of esxDOS DOT-Commands

SCjoe wrote:


Some commands with similar names have different authors and code, e.g. STRINGS or DATE.
DATE cmd in 0.8.8 is made by ub880d and has nothing to do with Trucco's one.
Its origin is here: http://oldcomp.cz/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=7798#p98622
The same with the CAL cmd: http://oldcomp.cz/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=7798#p98678

Many commands for zx-uno and specnext are hardware dependent and unusable on a normal Speccy.
That could be a reason for splitting this list into separate papers?

Dear SCjoe,

Yes, it´s a little bit confusing having DOT-commands with the same name but different behavior or for different hardware.

Because of lack of time and easyness I´ll keep all the commands on one page. Only mentioning special Requirements like  hardware in the Comment Column of the list.

But I will add all commands that become known to me, so even this excellent looking .CAL (or is it called .DATE ?) you mentioned:  (Have not further tested this one yet - this is just a "screenshot" from the Forum-Thread you linked).

cygnus@cygnus ~ $ cal
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It´s really a great Thread you´ve linked to. I like it!


Re: Almost (In-) Complete List of esxDOS DOT-Commands

Would it be possible for you to give the ZX Next and ZX Uno specific commands a different color? That way it'll be instantly apparent.


Re: Almost (In-) Complete List of esxDOS DOT-Commands

XoRRoX wrote:

Would it be possible for you to give the ZX Next and ZX Uno specific commands a different color? That way it'll be instantly apparent.

Should be no problem. On next update I will add colours for ZX Next and ZX Uno or add a column which holds this information.


Re: Almost (In-) Complete List of esxDOS DOT-Commands

New Version V019 of list is out ( same Access-URL: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ … s=599361c7 )

V019 2021-12-25 Added .2browse v0.01a1. .launcher v0.3 from esxDOS 0.8.9 Final, .keyhelp v1.1 (e.g. included in SpecNext Distro "System/Next v1.3.2"), .ini v0.5.0b, .every v0.5.0b, .ch8show v0.5.0b., .untar v0.5.0b, .inkey v0.5.0b, .less v0.5.0b, .displayedge. Inserted Column for "Specia Hardware required?".


Re: Almost (In-) Complete List of esxDOS DOT-Commands

New Version V020 of list is out ( same Access-URL: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ … s=599361c7 )

V020 2021-12-26 Added  .fsize v1.1, .odin Version Dev.2h, .qe v11h2 (Build 20201013), .modp v1.0 (25/07/20), .tzx2tap v1.3, .spui v0.3.0, .wc v2.2, .tcpping, .ping v0.2, .espreset v1.4, .nget v1.8, .http v1.0, .http-debug, .esp-baud v1.1, .associate, .nextver v1.0, .guide v1.0a
(All these commands are for SpecNext!).


Re: Almost (In-) Complete List of esxDOS DOT-Commands

Luzie wrote:
SCjoe wrote:


Some commands with similar names have different authors and code, e.g. STRINGS or DATE.
DATE cmd in 0.8.8 is made by ub880d and has nothing to do with Trucco's one.
Its origin is here: http://oldcomp.cz/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=7798#p98622
The same with the CAL cmd: http://oldcomp.cz/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=7798#p98678

Many commands for zx-uno and specnext are hardware dependent and unusable on a normal Speccy.
That could be a reason for splitting this list into separate papers?

Dear SCjoe,

Yes, it´s a little bit confusing having DOT-commands with the same name but different behavior or for different hardware.

Because of lack of time and easyness I´ll keep all the commands on one page. Only mentioning special Requirements like  hardware in the Comment Column of the list.

But I will add all commands that become known to me, so even this excellent looking .CAL (or is it called .DATE ?) you mentioned:  (Have not further tested this one yet - this is just a "screenshot" from the Forum-Thread you linked).

cygnus@cygnus ~ $ cal
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It´s really a great Thread you´ve linked to. I like it!

Dear SCjoe,

could you please tell me on which OS this .CAL-command runs and how this Monthly-display is achieved? I can´t get it to work yet.


Re: Almost (In-) Complete List of esxDOS DOT-Commands

New Version V021 of incomplete list is out ( same Access-URL: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ … s=599361c7 )


V021 2021-08-14 Added .echo, added .zxzvm v0.01, added .zxzvm v0.02,, added .zxzvm v0.03, added .brwsfont v0.01, added .nxtp v1.69, added .tar v0.3, added .tar v0.4, added .makerun v1.1, added .loadrom, added .http v1.0.1, added .http-debug v1.0.0, added .clear v1.1

38 (edited by Luzie 2022-10-09 16:26:39)

Re: Almost (In-) Complete List of esxDOS DOT-Commands

New Version V022 of incomplete list is out ( same Access-URL: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ … s=599361c7 )

V022 2022-10-09 Added .memdump v0.8, added .txt2bas v1.2, added .txt2bas v1.6, added .$ v1.3, .mc (ZX-Uno only), Added all Entries to cthutu´s SpecNext DotJam (https://itch.io/jam/dotjam): (All SpecNext only): .cotton, .7gfx_fo v0.1, .evas10n.ras v0.1, .dotjam, .mcat v0.4, .term0