1 (edited by esxman 2015-07-12 06:33:07)

Topic: Transfer from a TAP file to the card


thank you for this amazing system.
I personally prefer not to cope with TAPs anymore,
I like to load and save files from/to the (FAT formatted) card directly.

Does exist some utility for the transfer of all files from a TAP file to the card (given directory)?



Re: Transfer from a TAP file to the card

esxman wrote:


thank you for this amazing system.
I personally prefer not to cope with TAPs anymore,
I like to load and save files from/to the (FAT formatted) card directly.

Does exist some utility for the transfer of all files from a TAP file to the card (given directory)?


Sorry, but I am not aware of such an utility at this time. You could try some TAP to +3DOS utility though, then change the BASIC loader.