Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Divide use small memory, but with DIVMMC is all very easy. For example is possible use own 16kB zx rom with own system, but this need modification of both... Is not hard make patch for switch between own ZX rom(s) and ESXDOS, but esxdos will not available if this zx rom is set. But you may in any time switch from own rom back to zx rom with esxdos :-)


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Great work!
I've been using zx uno pack with my +2A spectrum, so maybe that will give you more context. It contains some 'run' files that show a very nice menu that helps finding the games in the pack.

With this NMI handler, the 'RUN' (no extension) items are just previewed with Hexdump instead of loaded and displaying the menu. With original Esxdos one, these commands are properly loaded.
Is there any way that they are considered just binaries like the normal NMI handler?


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

if there are only isolated cases you could rename the file in RUN.bas
Maybe in the course of development from the NMI handler file named RUN could be recognized as a .bas file ?
Up soon,


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

New release of NMI navigator, v.0.0.16:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/85lkaohu22bcz … 6.zip?dl=0

  • Enter now open .ROM files with Velesoft's ownrom dotcommand. It's neccesary copy it to /BIN. Luzie wink

  • Enter now treat no extension files as .BAS files. dontbugster wink


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

david_ps wrote:

New release of NMI navigator, v.0.0.16:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/85lkaohu22bcz … 6.zip?dl=0

  • Enter now open .ROM files with Velesoft's ownrom dotcommand. It's neccesary copy it to /BIN. Luzie wink

  • Enter now treat no extension files as .BAS files. dontbugster wink

very good work!
lot of thanks!! smile

281 (edited by mayo32 2018-10-28 20:14:58)

Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Great job.

Could you add a keys to eject virtual media (TAP,TRD)?
Could you change the Exit key combination BREAK to simple SPACE only or Q. It's annoying to press 2 keys to quit menu smile
The BREAK could be useful to return to BASIC from machine code.

Is the single dot at the start of the subdirectory somewhat useful?



Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Welcome to the ESXdos community,

to a question I can give an answer wink

First version of README.txt

3.11 SS+I (AT)                                                   Detach tapein
3.17 SS+O (;)                                                    Detach tapeout

At the moment I do not know about unloading TRD files.

The SPACE key I would also prefer for BREAK, but that would have to decide David wink

Best regards,


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Hi Everybody!
I've been trying to use DR Slump's NMI handler with esxDOS 8.5 on my ZX Omni.  I've followed the instructions in the readme.txt file and all seems well except I'm not able to save snapshots.  I press the NMI button, the handler pops up, but when I press "S" the display shows whatever program I'm running but the screen freezes and I have to do a cold reset.  I find a "SNAP0000.SNA" file in the folder, but it's zero bytes in length.  If anyone has any advice about fixing this I'd be really grateful.

284 (edited by Luzie 2019-03-08 15:53:01)

Re: New NMI handler / .commands

mortrob wrote:

Hi Everybody!
I've been trying to use DR Slump's NMI handler with esxDOS 8.5 on my ZX Omni.  I've followed the instructions in the readme.txt file and all seems well except I'm not able to save snapshots.  I press the NMI button, the handler pops up, but when I press "S" the display shows whatever program I'm running but the screen freezes and I have to do a cold reset.  I find a "SNAP0000.SNA" file in the folder, but it's zero bytes in length.  If anyone has any advice about fixing this I'd be really grateful.

Hi and welcome mortrob!

Maybe not the cause, but have you tried this:

1) Checked SD-Card for file-system-Errors?
2) Do you have a "tmp"-Folder in the root of the SD-Card?
3) Tried Old NMI.SYS and this works OK for Snapshotting?
(you can even start Old NMI.SYS from within new NMI.SYS).

285 (edited by mortrob 2019-03-09 19:54:16)

Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Hi Luzie, thanks for the welcome!  smile  And thanks for the suggestions too.
The When I realised that snapshots were not working I tried several times and the file system of the SD card became corrupted.  I got some garbled text and "COPY COPY COPY COPY COPY COPY COPY COPY COPY COPY COPY COPY" appearing on the ESXdos startup screen when I powered the Omni up, so I reformatted the card with the official SD formatting utility and replaced the files from a backup.

I do have a tmp folder in the root directory.

I tried reverting to the old NMI handler from within the new one and that seemed to have some success at saving snapshots but not all...  I saved a snapshot of an old 16k game successfully but seemed to have a problem saving a snaphot of a 128 game, I don't know if that's significant.

After trying to save another snapshot with the new NMI I got a red band across the centre of the screen with "ESXDOS ERROR 19" on it.  I reset the Omni and am now getting an error when it tries to load esxdos.xyx on startup.

I'll reformat the card again, check it for errors and load the files back on.  The card has been working fine with the old nmi handler for several months.


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Although the SD Card didn't show any problems and seemed to format ok, I've substituted another card and Dr Slump's NMI works fine on that, so there must be some problem with the card.  It's funny but that card has been working fine on the Omni for months, but it seems that it developed a fault just after I set up the new NMI.  Just an unfortunate coincidence, all seems well now.  Thanks again for your help.  smile  I'm really pleased because I really like Dr Slump's NMI!


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

david_ps wrote:

New release of NMI navigator, v.0.0.16:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/85lkaohu22bcz … 6.zip?dl=0

  • Enter now open .ROM files with Velesoft's ownrom dotcommand. It's neccesary copy it to /BIN. Luzie wink

  • Enter now treat no extension files as .BAS files. dontbugster wink

Shame on me. But I was on v.0.0.15 all the time until now. Had a quick look at v.0.0.16 today and: Thumbs up for it, especially the possibility to load .ROM-Files!

288 (edited by KeefC 2019-04-13 18:02:12)

Re: New NMI handler / .commands


Installed and loading and looks impressive.  However having trouble with page locked games such as Sabrewulf.  When I try and save a game that is page locked the file will not reload from the snapshot file. 

Putting the files in I have managed to get everything working but am not convinced that I have updated all the correct files in the BIN folder.  Is there anywhere I can download a complete set of the latest?

Using version 0.8.6

289 (edited by Luzie 2019-04-14 11:16:26)

Re: New NMI handler / .commands

KeefC wrote:

Installed and loading and looks impressive.  However having trouble with page locked games such as Sabrewulf.  When I try and save a game that is page locked the file will not reload from the snapshot file.

Saving a Sabrewulf.SNA seem to be an issue of esxDOS 0.8.6 and not of New NMI handler! So you maybe should place this in a new thread under "Bug Reports" at: http://board.esxdos.org/viewforum.php?id=5

KeefC wrote:

Putting the files in I have managed to get everything working but am not convinced that I have updated all the correct files in the BIN folder.  Is there anywhere I can download a complete set of the latest?
Using version 0.8.6

What you are exactly searching for?
esxDOS 0.8.6 FINAL can be found here: http://www.esxdos.org/files/esxdos086.zip
and NMI navigator, v.0.0.16 on the link some posts above here.

290 (edited by Luzie 2019-04-14 13:28:46)

Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Luzie wrote:
KeefC wrote:

Installed and loading and looks impressive.  However having trouble with page locked games such as Sabrewulf.  When I try and save a game that is page locked the file will not reload from the snapshot file.

Saving a Sabrewulf.SNA seem to be an issue of esxDOS 0.8.6 and not of New NMI handler! So you maybe should place this in a new thread under "Bug Reports" at: http://board.esxdos.org/viewforum.php?id=5

Important news: When I try to do a Snapshot of Sabre Wulf under Emulator SpecEmu (with a 64 MB sized .HDF-File as Harddisk created by hdfmonkey) with esxDOS 0.8.6 -> Snapshotting of SabreWulf works OK (saving 128k sized snapshots instead of 0 Byte sized, non-working snaps).


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Luzie wrote:
KeefC wrote:

Installed and loading and looks impressive.  However having trouble with page locked games such as Sabrewulf.  When I try and save a game that is page locked the file will not reload from the snapshot file.

Saving a Sabrewulf.SNA seem to be an issue of esxDOS 0.8.6 and not of New NMI handler! So you maybe should place this in a new thread under "Bug Reports" at: http://board.esxdos.org/viewforum.php?id=5

KeefC wrote:

Putting the files in I have managed to get everything working but am not convinced that I have updated all the correct files in the BIN folder.  Is there anywhere I can download a complete set of the latest?
Using version 0.8.6

What you are exactly searching for?
esxDOS 0.8.6 FINAL can be found here: http://www.esxdos.org/files/esxdos086.zip
and NMI navigator, v.0.0.16 on the link some posts above here.

I'm on about all the replacement bin files that go into the bin folder (non standard ones the instructions tell you to copy)

Sabre wulf is just one example.  The problem is with quite a few pagelocked games.  I have reverted to the standard nmi.sys for now as that works as expected.

Thanks,. Keith.

292 (edited by Luzie 2019-04-22 16:02:17)

Re: New NMI handler / .commands

KeefC wrote:

I'm on about all the replacement bin files that go into the bin folder (non standard ones the instructions tell you to copy)

Dear Keith,
nothing in BIN has to be exchanged/copied over, just the files in SYS has to be "copied overwriting exisiting files":  Effectively just NMI SYS have to be exchanged and the other files have to be added:

Tree-Listing from esxDOS 0.8.6:
│   ESX086.NFO
│       128
│       CD
│       CHMOD
│       CP
│       DIVIDEO
│       DRIVES
│       DSKPROBE
│       DUMPMEM
│       FILE
│       GRAMON
│       HEXDUMP
│       HEXVIEW
│       LAUNCHER
│       LS
│       LSTAP
│       MKDIR
│       MKTRD
│       MORE
│       MV
│       PARTINFO
│       PLAYPT3
│       PLAYSQT
│       PLAYSTC
│       PLAYTFM
│       PLAYWAV
│       RM
│       SNAPLOAD
│       SPEAKCZ
│       TAPEIN
│       TAPEOUT
│       VDISK
│   │   BDIR.KO
│   │   BFILE.KO
│   │   ERRMSG.KO
│   │   ESXDOS.SYS
│   │   NMI.SYS
│   │   NMI_HELP.SCR
│   │   TAPE.KO
│   │   TRDOS54T.KO
│   │   
│   └───CONFIG
│           ESXDOS.CFG
│           TRDOS.CFG

Tree-Listing from NMI navigator, v.0.0.16:
    │   nmi.sys
    │   RTC.SYS


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Just wanted to say thanks for making this. It's really great. smile


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Dr. Slump: Would it be possible to integrate this into your NMI Navigator Menu?



A fan.


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

david_ps wrote:

New release of NMI navigator, v.0.0.16:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/85lkaohu22bcz … 6.zip?dl=0

  • Enter now open .ROM files with Velesoft's ownrom dotcommand. It's neccesary copy it to /BIN. Luzie wink

  • Enter now treat no extension files as .BAS files. dontbugster wink

Hi David,
under esxdos087 the NMI navigator v.0.0.16 works as far as I have tested.
The version check does not know the esxdos-version yet wink
Many Greetings,


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

dakidski wrote:

Dr. Slump: Would it be possible to integrate this into your NMI Navigator Menu?



Now it's MIT licensed - no issues to use code.


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Spezzi63 wrote:

under esxdos087 the NMI navigator v.0.0.16 works as far as I have tested.
The version check does not know the esxdos-version yet wink

You can patch the binary to remove the version check message. Just look for 0.8.6 in a hex editor and change it to 0.8.7.


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

HI eveyone.

I've tried this new version of NMI and I have to say "Wonderfull work".

However I have a question, how can I sort the folder and file list by name?
It seems that it is sorted by date when the file was copied to SD card. I don't know for sure.
But I would like to have it sorted by name (first folder and then files) just like we have on windows explorer. Is there a option for this?

As a workaround if I know how the files are sorted I can always "play by the rules" and in the end have it as I wish.

Thanks in advance
Best regards


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

I tested Dr Slump's NMI Navigator .16 on the latest ZX Next firmware. Everything works fine. https://www.specnext.com/latestdistro/


Re: New NMI handler / .commands

Hello! Can someone pass me the modified version of the NMI driver so that it works in esxdos 0.8.7?

I am not able to do it with a hexadecimal editor sad

Thank you