Topic: (Reliable) ESXDOS emulation.
Hello folks,
I'm having some serious problems getting reliable ESXDOS emulation working for development purposes...
I've tried FUSE 1.4 and 1.5, and zesarux 6 and 6.1beta all with no luck...
In Fuse I find that the emulated DIVMMC doesn't seem to be able to hold the contents of the EEPROM between reboots.
The results of this are that every time I start the emulator I have to reload the ROM from the DIVMMC.TAP, which stops me doing any kind of automated testing for my development, and seriously slows down any manual testing....
In zesarux I can never get the NMI browser to read the contents of my SD card.
I've tried making my own RAW image with hdfmonkey, and copying the SYS, BIN and TMP folder into it, I've tried extracting and using a working image from a real speccy, and I've tried the TBBlue.mmc image included all with the same results.
This time my results are a ESXDOS splash screen as it starts up the emulator (YAY! I don't need to flash the ROM!) and dotcommands work, proven with .LS showing the correct contents for each SD card... However, when I activate the NMI, no matter what card is in the emulator, no matter what is upon the card image, I *ALWAYS* get a Directory listing containing 11 copies of [TMP] folder and no other files or output, ever.
My Fuse commandline is:
/Applications/ --divmmc --divmmc-file /u/ZX/media/esxdos-mmc.hdf --machine plus3
My zesarux commandline is:
/Applications/ --romfile /Applications/ --machine 128k --realvideo --enable-mmc --mmc-file /u/ZX/media/esxdos-zxdesk.mmc
Is there an "official" way to be developing ESXDOS commands under emulation? Does anyone have a working "classic" speccy ESXDOS commandline invocation and mmc image they would like to share to perhaps point me in the correct directions? Thanks!
The following commandline options seem to work passably for zesarus, using a fake the SDCard image from a directory tree laid out the same:
--divmmc-rom "/Applications/"
--esxdos-root-dir "/u/ZX/ZXDesk/esxdos"
But I would still like to get it reliably working from a HDF, and I am still left with the browser problem in so far as this still doesn't work for the NMI, which lists [TMP] 11 times over... :-/